“The Democrats need people who are not self-reliant ‘.

Rush Limbaugh, July 29,2019.


Let that truth sink in. Without victims, the contemporary Dems would have nothing with which to rally their minions. America was and is built on self-reliance, people. We are owed NOTHING, except the inheritance from our parents if they did well. That’s called SUCCESS, and the right to transfer your property to whomever you choose. Personal finances and individual wealth are none of anyone else’s business. Make your own wealth, nosy-bodies. Every American is granted (without government obstruction and oppression) personal responsibility in this country for their own destiny and fortune. No one is keeping anyone down any more. That’s LUDICROUS.

Just don’t ask the rabble-rousers like the REVUNS Sharpton and Jackson, the Obamas, Oprah, Beyoncé and Jay Z.

OH WAIT!!! They’re all millionaires! Gee whiz, how in touch are they with the middle class!!?!!

Don’t get me wrong; there will always be those who need care from any society because they’re UNABLE TO CARE FOR THEMSELVES. That’s what welfare is for; that’s what we pay into. Welfare does not include those who are UNWILLING, lazy, or uneducated by their own choices (this is America…you can achieve anything you want without boundaries, and there ARE no realistic exceptions to that rule; we limit ourselves).

Unless, of course, the Dems get their way, and over-legislate everything to create a nanny/socialist nation. Then, you can kiss any affluence, disposable income, and every one of your freedoms good bye. The only people with any wealth will be the Dem political elitists.

Hear me, PEEPS. The Dem politicians don’t really care about PEOPLE. They only care about themselves, their places in the political circus, and their perks (there are many). They really want you to believe they care, but in all actuality, they just want to control your thought processes via your emotions, and therefore, your vote.

The only people we should be voting for are the ones that promise less government, lower taxes, and the future guarantee of constitutional freedoms, which the Dems hate. America has been stupendous for over 200 years, both domestically and internationally, and we still ARE, even after the disastrous Obama tenure, where he apologized for his own country all over the globe. What a disgusting example of Presidential patriotism for the world to see. That’s the mess President Trump is busy fixing.

The only people who don’t think America is great are the unpatriotic idiots in the damn DEMOCRATIC PARTY. They yell every day about the injustices America perpetuates, but that’s not actually even accurate. They create problems to make Americans think they need saviors and fixers, then they call in the Main Stream Media megaphones. That’s called PROPAGANDA. If they scream loud enough and long enough, uninformed (or MSM-informed) people begin to actually believe them, and get swept away in emotional manipulation.


I’m telling ya, wean yourself off the fake news. They’re lying 24/7.



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